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Trump to New York: Drop Dead

Jennifer Senior The New York Times
Untold thousands will likely die, absent federal intervention. And it needs to happen this instant. Why won't the president help?

How to Stop Fare Evasion: Make NYC’s Trains & Buses Free

Indypendent Editors The Indypendent
Imagine a transit system where there are no turnstiles, minimal police presence because cops aren’t lurking around to enforce fares. Picture a subway and bus network that is free, open and functional because those who profit most from it pay for it.

“Cynthia Moved the Debate”

Ella Mahony interviews Waleed Shahid Jacobin
Cynthia Nixon did not defeat Andrew Cuomo. But her policy director argues in an interview that her campaign opened up new spaces for progressives and the Left in New York politics.

Working Families Party at a Crossroads

Michael Kinnucan The Indypendent
New York’s sort-of-third party has won some big victories in the past two decades but its future is uncertain after defying Andrew Cuomo and his labor allies to endorse Cynthia Nixon. This Saturday - May 19 - the Working Families State Convention is in Harlem.

Building Outside the Democratic Party

Brian Jones Jacobin Magazine
The Green Party campaign against Andrew Cuomo must become the launching pad for an independent political movement.

What Zephyr Teachout Taught the Country - and the Democrats Better be Listening

John Cassidy; Sarah Jaffe
The meaning of the Zephyr Teachout-Tim Wu 'victory' - not just for New York and New Yorkers - but for the whole country. This was a loud and clear message from the grassroots that says - "Enough, the people - all the people - come before profits." This was the message to the Democrats, especially to Hillary Clinton, and others - You better listen up. People are going to vote their values.

"Potential Upset of the Century": Zephyr Teachout's Lesson for Andrew Cuomo

Joan Walsh Salon
The Dean 2004 vet explains why she's running for NY governor -- and how the left can take over the Democratic Party. Teachout's run is as much a challenge to the fatalistic, anti-electoral politics left as to Cuomo. The Fordham Law professor says progressives shouldn't merely complain about the corporate takeover of the Democratic Party; they should fight for its soul.
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