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Media Bits and Bytes – Save Net Neutrality! Edition

A note from the Media Bits and Bytes crew: The FCC will end net neutrality unless millions act to save it. We urge you to join and promote protests at Verizon stores on December 7, and share the video below far and wide.

Capitalism Is Not the Only Choice

Pen Loh Yes! Magazine
Broadening the definition of economy also puts people back into the system and empowers us. We have opportunities every day to build economies that lift each other up and spread joy.

This City Hall, Brought to You by Amazon

Danny Westneat The Seattle Times
A review of some of the bids to woo Amazon’s HQ2 to other cities and states shows it’s not all about the money. In some cases democracy itself is a bargaining chip.

Want to Stop Sexual Abuse in the Workplace? Unionize.

Jeff Spross The Week
We need to confront the workplace hierarchy directly. That means unions and labor organizing. It means demands for more democratic workplaces, and established institutions and practices for dealing with sexual harassment.

Leaping with the Angels, Leaping for the People

Anthony Karefa Rogers-Wright The Leap
During a early November week-end, nearly 80 local leaders gathered at Debs Park in Los Angeles, to begin framing a justice-based vision of how the second largest city in the United States can go fossil fuel free by 2025. We brought together a spectrum of organizers from the frontlines of Indigenous rights, environmental justice, labor and food justice, and more.

4-H: Indoctrination Nation

Sarah McColl Modern Farmer
The nonprofit National 4-H Council accepts donations from a veritable who’s who of Big Ag: Monsanto, ConAgra, DuPont, and Altria each gave at least a million dollars in 2015. A lot of cultural norms around gender and sexuality are directly illustrated by the history of 4-H.