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At Freedom Square, the Revolution Lives in Brave Relationships

Kristiana Rae Col¢n; Alice Kim Truthout
If, as Cornel West says, 'justice is what love looks like in public,' then Freedom Square is an embodiment of practicing justice....With grace, imagination and courage, Freedom Square offers a glimpse into a new future and is boldly showing the world how to make Black lives matter.

American Gandhi

Staughton Lynd and Andy Piascik Vietnam Full Disclosure
Although this book is two years old, and this review is over a year old, the relevance of A. J. Muste still resonates in this political season, where the always essential questions of war and peace should take center stage. Muste helped shape the modern peace movement in a host of ways. This book, and this review, offers a window into the life and times of this important movement figure.

How Labor’s Decline Opened Door To Billionaire Trump As ‘Savior’ Of American Worker

Raymond Hogler The Conversation
How has Trump managed to attract substantial support among white men without college degrees? According to Raymond Hogler, "The answer is an interlocking set of changing economic and cultural conditions in the U.S. that has undermined middle-class incomes and values. And it starts with the steady erosion of the American labor movement."