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How Bernie Sanders Should Talk About Democratic Socialism

Eric Foner The Nation
The discussion of democratic socialism should embrace our own American radical tradition. There’s nothing wrong with Denmark; we can learn a few things from them (and vice-versa). But we should talk first of all about our radical forebears here in the United States, for the most successful radicals have always spoken the language of American society and appealed to some of its deepest values.

Film Review: Praising "Trumbo"

Bill Meyer Hollywood Progressive
Director Jay Roach, known for lighter fare like the Austin Powers series and Meet The Fockers, has taken on a heady subject, no less than the most famous communist in Hollywood history – Dalton Trumbo.

Turkey’s Election: A Plague Upon the House of Erdogan

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
In the June 7 election, Erdogan’s AKP lost its absolute majority in the legislature. The defeat was mainly due to a breakthrough by the Kurdish-led, leftist, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) that took 13.1 percent of the vote and won 80 seats, seats that in the past usually went to the AKP. Almost before the final tallies were announced, Erdogan moved to prevent the formation of a government and force another election.

The Single-state Solution Is Already Here

Gideon Levy Haaretz
The nationalists say, “An agreement will never be possible with those bloodthirsty people.” The center-left says, “There’s no way to live together.” The common denominator is racism, and the assumption that the hatred will last forever. To this we must add the arguments over the Jewish state’s sanctity and the end of the Zionist project. In short, one state means the end of the world. And now to the facts. One state already exists here, and has done so for 48 years.

The Really Really Rich Fund Presidential Campaigns...Except for Bernie's

Clancy Sigal Alternet
Meet the families funding our elections. Aside from a few candid primitives like the Koch brothers and casino-rich Sheldon Adelson, the new donor elite do bookkeeping mystery magic to hide where their money is coming from. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision made it so easy for them to secretly dump cash on candidates via post office boxes or anonymous trusts, anything to obscure the source.

Thousands Reject the Extractivist Logic at the World Bank-IMF Meeting in Peru

Ashoka Jegroo Waging Nonviolence
While the international media focused on the official meetings, no news outlets outside of Latin America have mentioned the Plataforma Alternativa conference — a parallel three-day meeting organized under the theme “Belying the ‘Peruvian Miracle.’” More than 1,200 people attended Plataforma Alternativa’s conference. Participants represented dozens of organizations and diverse countries.