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Calorie Counts on Menus Make a Difference

Editor, University of Technology Sydney University of Technology Sydney
Calorie counts make a difference! Listing them on menus influences consumer choices.

“How Can Political Shift to the Right Be Stopped?”

Immanuel Wallerstein The Stansbury Forum
This is the question people left of center have been asking for some time now. In different ways, it is being posed in Latin America, in much of Europe, in Arab and Islamic countries, in southern Africa, and in northeast Asia. The question is all the more dramatic because, in so many of these countries, this follows a period when there were significant shifts leftward.

Ten Awesome High School Protests that Defied the Trump Agenda in 2017

Dawson Barrett Truthout
youth demonstrating
On a wide range of issues, high schoolers across the United States opposed the Trump agenda this year, both directly and in principle. At the end of a bleak political year, here are ten stories about awesome high schoolers who led the charge in 2017. Plus five youth organizing victories in 2017 in California.

Trump's Year in Islamophobia

Maha Hilal Alternet
trump speaking
Five ways the administration has waged war on Muslims at home and abroad in its first year.

What were the top BDS victories of 2017?

Nora Barrows-Friedman The Electronic Intifada
bds demonstrators
2017 saw artists, performers, athletes, politicians, cultural workers, faith-based organizations, students, academics, unions and activists grow the movement for Palestinian rights.

American Workers Need Better Job Protections

Moshe Z. Marvit and Shaun Richman New York Times
Just cause — a legal right to your job — should be an essential part of any package of reforms to restore workplace dignity and fairness.

2017 Year in Review: Turning Lemons into Lemonade

Alexandra Bradbury, Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
Labor still has the power to throw sand in the gears of exploitation. The next step is for all these disparate troublemakers to start seeing their workplace struggles—from defending pensions to defending refugees—as part of the same bigger movement.

It’s Time to Nationalize the Internet

Julianne Tveten In These Times
To counter the FCC’s attack on net neutrality, we need to start treating the Internet like the public good it is.