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A Constitution Corrupted

Gavin O'Toole NACLA Reports
Mexico's 1917 Constitution asserted national control over all resources and launched a program of land redistribution. It established the most progressive labor legislation in the world at that time, guaranteeing a minimum wage, the right to strike and collective bargaining, an eight-hour day, an end to child labor, equal pay regardless of sex, and maternity leave. The betrayal of the constitution began early and turned into a rout in the neoliberals.

Americans Must Liberate Themselves From the Oppression of Health Coverage, Say Republicans

Paul Waldman American Prospect
Is Paul Ryan's desire to snatch coverage from millions so he can give an enormous tax break to wealthy people utterly monstrous? Absolutely. But if nothing else, Ryan isn't trying to convince us he believes something he doesn't. Strip away the complex politics involved and it becomes evident that Republican proposals are based upon the belief that, as Ayn Rand preached, the government has no obligation to help anyone.

Union Power: The United Electrical Workers in Erie, Pennsylvania

Frank Emspak and Paul Buhle Portside
One consequence of the rough times unions are facing today is a loss of institutional memory and history. This new book seeks to preserve that memory, and the how-to-be-a-militant-union knowledge that goes with it, by focusing on how one United Electrical Workers local union was built, and how it fared during the McCarthy years and afterwards.

Trump Visit Puts UAW Politics In Crosshairs

Brendt Snavely Detroit Free Press
Trump is visiting Ypsilanti, Michigan on Wednesday. In an unprecedented move, "Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and General Motors told workers they will transport them to and from Trump's rally, provide lunch and cover their pay for the day if they miss a shift at their plant. Ford will do the same, but will not cover their pay." These companies have never before brought workers to a rally for a President and given them the day off. Some UAW Local Presidents opposed this.

When Labor Fought for Civil Rights

Rich Yeselson Dissent
The new labor liberalism, built with the support of proportionally more non-white workers (and women), is more progressive than the old pre–civil rights era labor liberalism. If it achieves its powerful new vision, it will be a more humane, cosmopolitan, and egalitarian movement than its predecessor. But as of now, it is a significantly smaller movement and lacks economic and political leverage in key sectors of the political economy.

Dutch Election’s Big Winner Proves to be GreenLeft

Jon Henley The Guardian
Sometimes compared to Canada’s youthful prime minister, Justin Trudeau, Klaver – who has a Moroccan father and a mother of Indonesian descent – said on polling day that the left’s answer to the far right’s rise in Europe was to stand up for its ideals.

Florida Poised to Strengthen ‘Stand Your Ground’ Defense

By Lizette Alvarez New York Times
Florida, nicknamed the Gunshine State, became a symbol of strong self-defense laws after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, in 2012 and was later acquitted when a jury found he was justified in pulling the trigger.

4th Native Women in Film Festival Highlights Anti-Pipeline Cause

Ed Rampell Hollywood Progressive
Resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline and other extractive projects was a recurring theme in the NWIF festival, which highlights motion pictures by and about indigenous females. 'Standing Rock: A New Nation' encapsulates what the movement there is all about and kicked off the NWIF’s screenings. New Nation explores the heightened consciousness created by the radicalized village that sprang up to resist DAPL and the extraction industries that threaten Mother Earth.