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Michael Lebowitz's 'The Socialist Imperative': 'A must-read for revolutionaries'

Doug Enaa Greene Links
Despite my criticisms and questions, Socialist Imperative is a must-read for revolutionaries. Compared to others who look for imaginary revolutionary subjects, Lebowitz remains animated with the belief that the working class “makes itself a revolutionary subject through its struggles -- it transforms itself .... which is the simultaneous changing of circumstances and self-change. It makes itself fit to create the new world" (p. 243).

A Small Needful Fact

Ross Gay Split this Rock
Eric Garner, a sometime gardener who was killed by a New York City policeman's choke hold in 2014, lives on in Ross Gay's plain tribute to a man who worked with his hands.

Sanders and Clinton: How Change Comes

Robert Borosage Campaign for America's Future
“Revolution soon come” seems like a fantasy. But Sanders’ view that nothing will change unless people rise up, demand change, go to the polls in large numbers and hold their representatives accountable is compelling. By not raising money from billionaires, not setting up a super PAC, by raising stunning sums in small donations (nearly $2 million after the Democratic debate), he isn’t just calling for a popular movement, he is helping to build it.

What You Can Learn From Hunter-Gatherers' Sleeping Patterns

Ed Yong The Atlantic
A new study has shown that people who live traditional lifestyles in Namibia, Tanzania, and Bolivia don’t fit with any of the common notions about pre-industrial dozing. “People like to complain that modern life is ruining sleep, but they’re just saying: Kids today!” Much like the Paleo diet, these ideas are based on unsubstantiated assumptions about how humans used to live.

Movement to Get Saturday Night Live to Dump Trump Gains Momentum

Dennis Romero LA Weekly
SNL has scheduled Donald Trump as host on Nov. 7, shocking Latino leaders. "It's hypocritical of them to go back and put Donald Trump on as the face of the program, given that NBC said it would terminate its relationship with Trump over his comments about Mexican immigrants," says Juan Escalante, a Venezuelan immigrant who has launched a petition urging the network to drop Trump.

Israel: The Settlers' Prussia

Uri Avnery Gush Shalom
There is only one group in Israel that is strong enough, cohesive enough, determined enough to take over the state: the settlers. The process is already well advanced. The new police chief is a kippah-wearing former settler. So is the chief of the Secret Service. More and more of the army and police officers are settlers. In the government and in the Knesset, the settlers wield a huge influence.

How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain

When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout. Fireworks go off in the musician's brains.

'My Kind Of America' With Jack Black

Stephen has created the greatest political anthem of all time and it’s free for any politician to use. Lincoln Chafee, this could be your moment.