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The Case for the Financial Transaction Tax in 2021

Lenore Palladino The Appeal
Congress should immediately pass the Wall Street Tax Act,(A Financial Transaction Tax - FTT), which would tax the sort of high-speed trading that has turned the financial sector into a casino at the expense of our communities.

Bailout the Pension System

Ed Ott Portside
This fight needs to start now and it needs to start with the unions, the progressive elected and working class activists.

The Neighborhoods We Will Not Share

Richard Rothstein The New York Times
Persistent housing segregation lies at the root of many of our society’s problems. Trump wants to make it worse. This was not a peculiar Southern obsession, but consistent nationwide. In many hundreds of instances nationwide, mob violence....

The Fed Protects Gamblers at the Expense of the Economy

Ellen Brown Truthdig
from of Federal Reserve building The repo market is a fragile house of cards waiting for a strong wind to blow it down, propped up by misguided monetary policies that have forced central banks to underwrite its highly risky ventures.

California Opens the Public Banking Floodgates

Aaron Fernando The Progressive
The question at the heart of public banking may seem technical but is actually about political power. Public banking shifts power away from profit-motivated board members of corporate banks and into the hands of the people.

Friday Nite Videos | March 1, 2019

Student Loans | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. 39TH Razzie Awards Announcement! Racism in the Michael Cohen Hearing? A New Algorithm Decodes Rat Squeaks. Native Son | Movie.

Student Loans | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj

With Americans' student debt now over $1.5 trillion, private financial companies have benefited from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos' hands-off regulation that has made it easy for students to become trapped in debt

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