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The Exploitation Time Bomb

Jayati Ghosh Project Syndicate
Worsening economic inequality in recent years is largely the result of policy choices that reflect the political influence and lobbying power of the rich. There is now a self-reinforcing pattern of high profits, low investment, and rising inequality

Trump’s Attacks on Census Go Well Beyond Citizenship Question

Sasha Abramsky Truthout
The Trump administration has, in keeping with GOP spending priorities over a number of years, consistently asked for Census Bureau budgets that don’t even begin to keep pace with the financial needs of the Bureau as Census 2020 approaches.

Subway Woes? Don't Blame Workers

Laura Gabby Labor Notes
The “Subway Scam” ads are the latest baloney from the Center for Union Facts, a corporate-backed nonprofit devoted to attacking unions. According to recent tax filings, its funders include hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, a major backer of the Trump presidential campaign and Breitbart News.

How to Keep Social Security Secure

Henry Aaron The American Prospect
Here’s a plan that eliminates the long-term shortfall in its finances and updates the system for the 21st century.

Mulvaney Corrects Jesus

Sam Pizzigati Campaign for America's Future
Compassion, says Trump's budget chief, explaining Trump's new budget, is measured in how many people you kick off social programs for poor and working people.
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