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Tidbits - Aug. 2, 2018 - Reader Comments: 2018 - Trump Country Cracking?, Embracing Democratic Socialism; MLK's Early Socialist Ideas; Household Debt; NATO; Ken Burns’ “The Vietnam War”; Billy Joel; Meat Surplus; Resources; Announcements....

Reader Comments: 2018 and Trump Country Cracking, Parts Embrace Democratic Socialism; Young MLK Already Had Socialist Ideas; Medicare; Household Debt; NATO: Time Up; Ken Burns’ “The Vietnam War”; Billy Joel; Meat Surplus; Resources; Announcements

How New York City Won Divestment from Fossil Fuels

Nancy Romer Portside
This campaign was years in the making, but Donald Trump's election and the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord spurred the local activism that led to this important victory.

Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached

Astra Taylor The Nation
It’s not just universities with eating clubs and legacies that are getting into the game. Many public universities are also doing so, in part because state support for education has been cut, but also to compete with richer schools by rapidly increasing their more limited wealth.

Tidbits - July 2, 2015 - Condition of Black Life - Our Real Problem with Race; Take Down Your Flag; Black Churches Being Burned; Greek Referendum; Columbia Divests From Prisons; more...

Reader Comments: The Condition of Black Life...Our Real Problem with Race; Take Down Your Flag 140+ artists post videos; Black Churches Being Burned; Greek Referendum; Columbia Divests From Prisons; Naomi Oreskes and Changing Climate; World War II Chemical Experiments Tested Troops By Race; Iran Nuclear Deal; About George Soros and the Ukraine...More Comments; Donate to Rebuild the Churches Fund; Announcement - Art Exhibit of Boycott Posters - Tacoma - July 2-16

Columbia Becomes First U.S. University To Divest From Prisons

Wilfred Chan CNN
Congratulations to Columbia University student activists in the group, Columbia Prison Divest, who successfully launched a campaign protesting their school's investment in private prisons. Columbia University will sell its roughly 220,000 shares in G4S, the world's largest private security firm, as well as its shares in the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the largest private prison company in the U.S.

How Mankind Blew the Fight Against Climate Change

Bill McKibben Washington Post
Divestment won’t move Exxon Mobil directly — that’s impossible; the company is dug in, and someone else will simply buy the stock when it’s sold. But divestment will undercut the industry’s political power, just as happened a generation ago when the issue was South Africa.

The Amazing Things BDS Movement Achieved in 2014

Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Comm BDS Movement - Freedom, Justice, Equality
2014 was the year of the vicious Israeli massacre of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. It was also a year of unprecedented international solidarity with Palestine, and huge steps forward for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The Israeli paper, Haaretz says BDS is now the top issue for American Jews.
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