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The Threat of Fascism Won’t End with Trump

Betsy Hartmann Portside
It will take sustained progressive political pressure now and into the future to dismantle the powerful fascist forces that threaten our democracy.

Northern Ireland, The DUP and Colonialism

Rosa Gilbert New Socialist
The Democratic Unionists Party’s support for British Conservatives denies us the Tory collapse and second election which could see a socialist leader swept to power. Whilst Britain continues its faux-neutral role in Ireland, true recourse to justice is stunted; women are still denied bodily autonomy; and right-wing extremists continue to prop up a government whose official policy powers in Northern Ireland denies all of us self-determination.


Strikes Surge as Killings of Colombian Union Leaders Fall

Andrew Willis Bloomberg
Strikes, demonstrations and protests are at a record pace in Colombia this year as workers seek a bigger share of wealth generated by the country’s expanding economy. After 50 years of guerrilla warfare, the government’s success in weakening illegal armed groups has drawn investment and rewarded businessmen, while the gap between rich and poor remains considerable, according to the World Bank’s Gini index of income distribution.
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