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We Need “Outside Agitators”

Pro-Palestine student protesters are being smeared as puppets of shadowy “outside agitators.” The presence of community members and experienced activists in the protests is nothing to be ashamed of: we need outside agitators to build a better world.

This Week in People’s History, May 7–13

Statue, in Hanoi, commemorating the victory at Dien Bien Phu
Colonialism Is Hard to Kill (in 1954), “It Was the Right Thing to Do” (1929), “Join, Or Die” (1754), Apartheid’s End (1994), Class War in the Midwest (1894), Unsafe at Any Speed (1969), “I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night” (1949)

Segregation 70 Years After the Brown Decision

Despite decades of progress, there are some worrying signs

Birding, Gaza, War or Peace

Did you know that Gaza — well, Palestine — even has a national bird? The Palestine sunbird is a gorgeous creature, crowned in iridescent green and blue. “This bird is a symbol of freedom and movement, it can fly anywhere."

Two Versions, Two Visions for Farm Bill, SNAP Program

Protect and strengthen the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), our nation’s most important and effective anti-hunger program or cut future benefits for all SNAP participants and erode the adequacy of SNAP benefits over time?

How Does Gravity Escape a Black Hole?

If nothing gets out of a black hole, how does gravity do it? Something with virtual gravitons? Is this really necessary? It's tricky question, but this is what I can say without resorting to equations.

Banned by Germany

Germany prohibited a Palestinian Congress from taking place, arrested its Jewish supporters, and barred one of its organizers, former Greek finance minister, from entering the country: Powerful evidence Germany's pro-Israel Consensus is breaking down

Left Unions Repressed Because They Threatened Capital

During the 20th century’s two red scares in US and Canada, Wobblies and Communist-aligned unions faced fierce repression from employers and government. They were targeted because they were seen as posing a real threat to the capitalist social order.

Where’s the Barbed Wire?

Hartigan’s book is the first full-length examination of Wilson’s life and art since his death in 2005 from liver cancer. There is both a need and demand for the story of how he and his work came to be.

The Price We Pay for Having Upper-Class Legislators

There is a coordinated, nationwide effort to roll back child labor laws, part of a broader campaign to concentrate even more power into the hands of employers.
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The Refillery Is Coming for Your Grocery Store Routine

Kate Ray Taste Cooking
At package-free stores you bring your own container, weigh it, and fill it with the amount of rice or walnuts or Peanut M&Ms that you want to take home. In the bigger context of the zero-waste movement, do these refilleries actually mean anything?


Evelyn Hutchins

Peter Neil Carroll Sketches From Spain: Homage to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Saturday May 4 the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) honors the memory of the US volunteers of the Spanish Civil War by awarding the ALBA-Puffin Human Rights Award to “18by Vote.”


What Are ‘Food Barons’— and Why Should You Care?

Charlie Hope D’Anieri The Bittman Project
The rise of the baron illustrates the failures of our approach to food policy better than a dry description of policies ever could. For example, the story of the Grain Barons tells the history of the Farm Bill and how it has corrupted the food system



Organizing the South: We Look Back To Move Ahead

Ben Wilkins Convergence
Taken together, the history, economy & ruling ideology of the US South make it difficult to build workers’ power. But armed with the lessons from the CIO’s Operation Dixie, & fueled by the momentum of recent victories, organizers see a way forward.


The End of Lean Production… and What’s Ahead

Kim Moody Labor Notes
Companies like Target are following Amazon’s lead, seeking to control inventory levels and outpace their rivals by creating dense networks of facilities and adding vehicles.


A Great Week for American Workers

Harold Meyerson American Prospect
The seven days between Friday, April 19, and Thursday, April 25, saw a succession of worker victories that was almost breathtaking in its scope.

Friday nite video


I Am Gitmo | Movie

I Am Gitmo is a intense drama movie that’s based on true events directed Philippe Diaz. Now in select theaters. Full review.