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The Illiberalism at America’s Core

Julian E. Zelizer The New Republic
A new history argues that illiberalism is not a backlash but a central feature from the founding to today.

The Refillery Is Coming for Your Grocery Store Routine

Kate Ray Taste Cooking
At package-free stores you bring your own container, weigh it, and fill it with the amount of rice or walnuts or Peanut M&Ms that you want to take home. In the bigger context of the zero-waste movement, do these refilleries actually mean anything?

Evelyn Hutchins

Peter Neil Carroll Sketches From Spain: Homage to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Saturday May 4 the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) honors the memory of the US volunteers of the Spanish Civil War by awarding the ALBA-Puffin Human Rights Award to “18by Vote.”

What Are ‘Food Barons’— and Why Should You Care?

Charlie Hope D’Anieri The Bittman Project
The rise of the baron illustrates the failures of our approach to food policy better than a dry description of policies ever could. For example, the story of the Grain Barons tells the history of the Farm Bill and how it has corrupted the food system