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Flight Attendants Fighting Back

Jennifer Gonnerman The New Yorker
Sara Nelson, the head of the flight attendants’ union, leads her members through turbulent times and mounts a major organizing drive at Delta.

Is Denying the Nakba Antisemitism?

Peter Beinart The Beinart Notebook
If expelling people because they are different does indeed constitute “anti-semitism,” then the Nakba — in which roughly 750,000 Palestinians were either expelled from their homes by Israeli forces or fled constitutes a vast “antisemitic” atrocity.

We Have Failed To Protect Our Kids; We Have Never Been Civil

Roxane Gay New York Times
Incivility runs through the history of this country, founded on stolen land, built with the labor of stolen lives. The document that governs our lives effectively denied more than half of the population the right to vote.

Dollar General Workers Refuse To Be Silenced

Mike Kuhlenbeck The Progressive
Dollar General is one of the lowest-paying major retail chains, with average wages barely above the $7.25 federal minimum. Low pay is made worse by the lack of hours allotted to workers. In response workers are starting to organize.

Arsenal of Autocracy?

William D. Hartung TomDispatch
The Major Weapons Makers Cash in Worldwide, Not Just in Ukraine

Responsible Gun Ownership Is a Lie

David Frum The Atlantic
One way to reduce gun violence is by convincing ordinary, “responsible” handgun owners that their weapons make them, their families, and those around them less safe.

Far Country: Scenes From American Culture

Melissa H. Pierson Barnes and Noble Review
In this short book, an innovative literary critic uses what reviewer Pierson describes as "data-driven or science-based methods not traditionally associated with art appreciation" as tools of qualitative literary analysis and criticism.