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All the Streets Are Silent | Trailer

Narrated by Zoo York co-founder Eli Gesner with an original score by legendary hip-hop producer Large Professor (Nas, A Tribe Called Quest), All the Streets Are Silent brings to life the magic of New York in the 80s and 90s that laid the foundation for modern street style. In theaters July 23.

Housing Discrimination | John Oliver

John Oliver breaks down the long history of housing discrimination in the U.S., the damage it’s done, and, crucially, what we can do about it.

Pandemic Aid Programs Spur a Record Drop in Poverty

Jason DeParle New York Times
The most comprehensive study yet of the federal response to the pandemic shows huge but temporary benefits for the poor — and helps frame a larger debate over the role of government.

Activists Urge Congress to Expand Medicare

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"As a doctor I can tell you: Your eyes, your ears, and your teeth are connected to your body. I did not have to go to medical school to tell y'all this, but apparently I do have to tell Congress this."

The Ku Klux Klan Was Also a Bosses’ Association

Chad Pearson Jacobin
The KKK should be understood not just as a white supremacist organization, but as an employers’ organization: it violently resisted the revolutionary gains of the Civil War and Reconstruction, and sought to keep the black masses toiling in submission

Friday Nite Videos | July 30, 2021

Housing Discrimination. All the Streets Are Silent | Trailer. Capitol Police Officer Recalls Racial Abuse on Jan. 6. How Do People Get Sucked Into Online Conspiracies… and Find a Way Out? Why the US Army Tried to Exterminate the Bison.

Heine’s Heartmobile

Michael Hofmann New York Review of Books
The liveliness and invention of Heinrich Heine’s writing changed 19th century German literature for the better. Poet, writer, literary critic, satirist and ironist, but banned in his homeland and expatriated to Paris, he was well appreciated by Marx