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Only a Social Movement Can Win Real Immigration Reform

David Bacon David Bacon Reality Check
"All over the country, immigrant workers are a big part of the workforce. They're all part of a base that can force change. We can't depend on political winds or what people tell us is possible. We have to be tenacious for what's just and righteous."

The GOP Debate – Trump and the MAGA Party

Harold Meyerson DSA North Star
Even without Donald Trump on stage, in the first GOP debate, the treatment the crowd gave Trump’s critics made it vociferously clear - this is a MAGA Trump Party.

The Immigrants Are the Same — America Is Different

Razvan Sibii Greenfield Recorder
The immigrants haven’t really changed since the Ellis Island days — but America has. In 1923, immigrants did not need a visa, or any other sort of prior permission, to enter the United States.

Roxham Road and the Canadian Unconscious

Rinaldo Walcott Canadian Dimension
The closure of the border crossing is a living embodiment of Canada’s continued white supremacist and Eurocentric foundations

The GOP’s Grand Immigration Con Job

Thom Hartmann The Hartmann Report
Republicans have figured out how to have it both ways. They get cheap labor for their big business buddies, while stoking the hate and fear of their white racist base

The War on Immigrants Is a War on Low-Income Workers

Shailly Gupta Barnes OtherWords
If poor and low-income Black, white, and Hispanic Texans turn out and stand together, they could change the outcome of Texas's gubernatorial race. They could shift the terrain — in Texas and every state that's playing politics with people's lives.
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