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Bacurau Is the Most Must-See Movie Since Parasite

Eileen Jones Jacobin
Movies about class and inequality have made it into the global mainstream recently and are picking up major prizes. The genre-busting, edge-of-your-seat Brazilian film Bacurau is the latest. You've gotta see it.


On Media and the Idea of Advocacy

Alicia Kennedy AliciaKennedySubstack
The thing about food is that everyone eats, whether it’s written about or not; knowing how to cook can be political because in times of economic uncertainty, it can sustain you not just with nourishment, but with the money needed to survive.


An Interview with Karl Marx

John Swinton People's World
Labor journalist John Swinton visited the Marx family on vacation in Southern England and wrote this dispatch showing Marx in his last years - no less astute, productive and committed to the class struggle than at any time in his adult life.


A Darker View of the Renaissance

John T. Scott Los Angeles Review of Books
A reviewer's respectful, if somewhat critical, look at a new book on the Italian Renaissance that seeks to contextualize that movement within the broader sweep of history and within the social conflicts of its time.


What Is Portuguese-American Food?

Grace Kelly Taste Cooking
In New England towns like Fall River, Massachusetts, or East Providence, Rhode Island, Portuguese restaurants and markets carve out an identity of ’60s and ’70s nostalgia.


Nominative Determinism--A found poem*

Ellaraine Lockie
Nominative determinism, explains poet Ellaraine Lockie about a certain president, is the hypothesis that people gravitate towards areas of work that fit their name.


A Fragment of the Quilt

Geoffrey Philp Rattle
“After living 60 years…as a Black man from Jamaica,” writes poet Geoffrey Philp, “a DNA test … [revealed} my Jewish ancestry. I am astounded by the endurance of Nazi propaganda and the need for constant vigilance.”
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