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Black Achilles

Tim Whitmarsh Aeon
In this essay, Tim Whitmarsh challenges what most of us were taught, and what we think we know, about the Ancient world and the idea of "race."


Five Books About Food and Black Identity

Joseph Lamour Mic
The debate over Aunt Jemima and other food mascots and their own problematic brand marketing stirred up a lot of curiosity about food and race; these books about food and Black identity add to the conversation.


False Flag

Jed Myers
After nights of fire and looting, the poet Jed Myers asks in “False Flag” the simple question: who is shifting the blame to whom?


Say Thank You Say I’m Sorry

Jericho Brown NY Times Book Review
“I’d like us to rethink/What it is to be a nation,” writes the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet.


Monster Capitalism

Jonah Raskin CounterPunch
Updating his 2005 The Monster at Our Door, Davis views the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous viral catastrophes, exposing the key roles of agribusiness, the fast food industries, corrupt governments and a capitalist system out of control


Hard Time

Chase Madar Bookforum
These two books are helpful background sources for the issues involved in today's protests for black lives. Although each is a few years old, they are both worth a second look.


It’s Not Just Food

Editors, Taste Taste
The fight against systemic racism and police brutality is alive, and we feel it’s critical for us as a publication to participate by elevating a diverse group of voices across our platforms.
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