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Portside aims to provide material of interest to people on the left that will help them to interpret the world and to change it.


Under Trump, Labor Protections Stripped Away

Katie Johnston The Boston Globe
“This has been a terrible 18 months-plus for working people in this country,” said Celine McNicholas, director of labor law and policy at the Economic Policy Institute. “It’s an unprecedented attack on workers.”


In a Historic Move, Los Angeles Educators Vote To Strike

Jane McAlevy In These Times
Teachers and education workers in Los Angeles, the second largest school district in the country (after New York), voted 98 percent to 2 percent to authorize their first strike in nearly 30 years.


The Good and the Bad in Trump’s NAFTA Renegotiation

David Dayen Working In These Times
However, five U.S. union leaders noted in a statement that “there is more work that needs to be done to deliver the needed, real solutions to NAFTA’s deeply ingrained flaws.”


Labor's Last Stand

Garret Keizer Harper's Magazine
Unions must either demand a place at the table or be part of the meal


The Next Financial Crisis

Various authors New Internationalist
As we approach the ten year anniversary of the great recession, leading economists talk about where the next crisis might come from. Workers bear the brunt of crises, but they also could be the cause that provokes the system to falter.
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